The terminal transports diesel fuel and methanol from a wide railway gauge of 1520 mm to a narrow railway gauge of 1435 mm.
The oil products transshipment point is equipped with modern equipment ; it was put into operation in October 2008.
In 2016, after the change of the main shareholder, a large-scale reconstruction was carried out at the enterprise, which in turn led to a doubling and storage of diesel transshipment volumes.
Due to the increasing demand for methyl alcohol in the world market, it was decided in 2018 to modernize the terminal to meet the modern needs of the chemical industry market.
The terminal is located in the Grodno region (Republic of Belarus) near the Bruzgi station at a distance of 400 (four hundred) meters from the belarusian-polish border
Director: Andrei Alizarovich +375 29 180-60-46 A1
Deputy Director for Commercial and Financial Affairs: Pavel Izotov +375 44 51-33-868 A1
Reception: +375 152 96 43 97
Financial department: +375 44 755 08 02 A1
e-mail. vilaris_grodno1@mail.ru